Video verificatie van uw alarmen, overal.

Een nieuwe en unieke manier van video verificatie voor elk alarm. Zonder installatie van software aan de ontvangende kant. Met volledige integratie in alarm management software voor (Particuliere) Alarm Centrales. En het is meer dan alleen een cloud gebaseerd systeem.

VMSCORE+AI+CLOUDMELDKAMER biedt een unieke totaaloplossing: Intelligente video analyse, hardware onafhankelijk, video management (op lokatie, in de cloud of hybride) gecombineerd met alarm escalatie management in de cloud. Volledig te gebruiken met een web browser.

Het werkt overal en zonder software installatie bij de ontvanger. Bruikbaar voor u zelf en/of door een (particuliere) alarm centrale.


Secure alarm delivery

Using the advantages of the cloud, cloudalarmcenter delivers the alerts with a unique way of viewing edge video clip alarms in a web browser. The whole path from source to the viewing browser is secured with VPN and encryption.


Any alarm

We focus on AI based video analytics and special perimeter technologies. But we can use any sensor or trigger via the coudalarmcenter to start and facilitate video verification.


Lidar, VCA, AI or any other Sensors

It does not matter where the alarm comes from. With cloudalarmcenter you always video-verify your alarms with no more than 2 mouse clicks.


Receive and verify without any preparation

You can compare it to receiving a hyperlink that includes all information. Just click on the link and see the video playback starting at the time of the detection.


Extreme low false alerts

We offer the lowest false alert rates of the security industry when it comes to AI video analytics. With too many false alerts, perimeter detection does not work, in our eyes. We are honest and can showcase real customer cases to prove our statement.


Any camera, no bandwidth issues

AI analytics is added to any existing camera stream. There is no need for constant uploading of all video channels. We prefer to use our intelligence at the edge and when there is an alert, a trigger is sent to cloudalarmcenter for escalation.

Integrated solution for alarm centers with 100% Web based VMSCORE

Alarms can be received in any Alarm Center Management software. The alarm trigger comes with a hyperlink that opens a web browser for 100% web based and plugin free alarm clip viewing. In addition alarms can be sent to email, Slack and as JSON, XML, HTTP. There is full flexibility to deliver in any form.

“In our control room we have over 15 different video software clients and complete VMS installations to support the camera systems in the market. The CloudAlarmCenter from ENSURA makes it easier for us to support the market and support more camera’s with less!”

Alarm center IT Manager

“With the CloudAlarmCenter solution we do not have to setup and maintain all camera connections of our clients. It saves a lot of work and cost. This way we can really support more camera’s and grow our services.”

General Manager - Certified PAC Alarm center


Phone: +31 (0)85-7734104


Address: Hofstraat 4, 7071 KB, Ulft, the Netherlands